Zbigniew Lukasiak’s wiki http://zby.aster.net.pl/kwiki/kwiki.cgi?UseTheWholeSpectrum has an interesting chart on media types and their dimensions
asynchronous communication <-> synchronous communication (mail versus Instant Messaging)
push <-> pull (mail versus blogs)
mass media <-> private communication
topic centric <-> user centric
document based <-> message based (WikiIsDocumentBased). A document based communication can be easily extended by adding comments to use the message side of the spectrum.
There is then a table looking at which areas various tools (blogs, email, wikis etc) cover. What I thought was interesting was the idea that
The ideal would be to have those differences as modes of operation of one tool – so that user familiar with most of the functionality needs to adjust only one parameter to choose the mode of operation he needs.
Now personally I like receiving letters and postcards from friends, and there is something qualitatively different about the experience, both as writer and receiver to e.g. email. I also like having the option to wander round a library. Isn’t user-experience is a dimension too?
Linearity, Senses and Organisation didn’t come in to it? Or is he constraining the system to text? I agree with you, some media have a certain integrity that comes from their inability to be moved around in this spectrum.