BlogWalk 3.0

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Back from Vienna and BlogWalk 3.0. Bit miffed I could only be there for some of the day. I had to catch an early (i.e. at the airport at 4.30am) flight in for the morning and leave just as conversations really seemed to be hotting up (and my brain shutting down) but, it was still very much worth it. Very friendly, bright bunch of people who I wish I could have talked with for longer. So thanks again Lilia, Ton and Seb!

As Anu has mentioned, the early bit of the day was less structured and more “getting to know one another” – the meat of the matter seemed to happen after the stroll round Vienna. Ton later said that 3.0 was a different beast to the ones previously – more people, and more people who didn’t know each other from beforehand. That said, had some very interesting conversations, felt buoyed by the enthusiasm and breadth of the group, and as much as anything else found it useful to get a feel for how people were thinking about this stuff.

by the artist

Topics I thought of note (and people I spoke with/heard from on them):

– Arts and Social Sciences becoming more valuable as a way of thinking about blogs, bottom up KM etc. (Elmine, Therese, Seb)
– Do blogging networks scale? (Ton, Lee, Anu, Lilia, Tom)
– What’s the relationship between blogs and action, what’s the role of blogs in supporting community decisions? (Phil, Andrius, Anu, Lilia)
– What models for paid-for RSS content might work, what might change about journalists functions? (Markus, Andrius, Ton,)
– Blogging and gender/blends in the network (Lilia, Therese, Stephanie)

People to definitely follow up with (basically the people I spoke to about anything on any depth with!) – Anu, Lee, Lilia, Ton. People almost certainly to follow up with (chatted to briefly, but didn’t have enough time/ missed chatting with them) – everyone else.

Was also great to at last be able to talk through with Lilia a small PKM project. Ton’ seems to be on board, and so hopefully we can begin to sort out something stuff for KM2004. Equally, Anu and Lee both consultants, so I’ll be hoping to pick their brains about methodologies – maybe at the KM Cluster Event in Bloomsbury.

  • Ton Zijlstra
    Ton Zijlstra Ton Zijlstra

    Hi Piers,

    You’re welcome! Thanks for your enthusiasm. Actually I thought it somewhat flattering that you took the effort coming to Vienna for the day, like you did. I tremendously enjoyed meeting you f2f, and hope we’ll have another opportunity soon. When I get back to NL I’ll set up the wiki and collab-blog as we discussed.

  • anu
    anu anu

    Hey Piers,

    Good meeting you – see you again on Monday at the KM Cluster thing.