The Very Delicious Mind

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Ian Oeschegerat Brown Hen has developed the beginnings of what looks like a wonderful tool. [Thanks to Monsieur Shirky for the pointer]Using mind-mapping software called FreeMind

“delicious_mind is a Python script that makes a mind map out of your links, a web-based tool I’ve also been using/playing-with quite a lot. The script [pretty] [src] uses the api to get your tags and (by default) your hundred most recent posts and build a spartan looking mind map out of them.”

I’d LOVE to be able to do the same not with bookmarks but with blog posts as well!
Anyway, think I need to sort myself out with rather than furl. Nice work, Ian!

  • The Universal Church of Cosmic Uncertainty
    The Universal Church of Cosmic Uncertainty The Universal Church of Cosmic Uncertainty

    Mind mapping your blog?

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