My first sensible leap of faith

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Couldn’t sleep. I started thinking about grid thinking. Then started thinking about grid computing (which exists). And then started thinking I’m a dolt …. there must be more options for gridding your PC than just SETI?

And there are. A quick search found, who do a variety research projects (though just two at the mo). Anyway, my eye was caught by Graham Richards (a family friend) singing the praises of a system for helping in Cancer Research. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me.

So I’ve clicked a link very much like this –

– and have joined up. The agent took about 2 minutes to download and install, and with a diagram very much like this –

– I can now see how much my now rather clapped out laptop is contributing. [Sorry – no click to enlarge at this site]. also has an option for teams, so you and your company/organisation/friends can pool resources. I think I’ll see if I can get one started at Templeton, but thought that for my home set-up, I’d keep one for bloggers and the like,. Anyway, I’ve set up a team for anyone who finds it and feels like chipping in. [Details below]

At the moment, I’ve processed 9 out of 30 Ligands. Erm, I’ve no idea yet quite what that means, but it can’t help but give me sweeter dreams. Night night.

(If you want to join, you need to download the agent by clicking on either of the images above and then click here. I’m afraid I struggled for a name that was in anyway original so I called it “A Social Network”. Ho hum.)

  • Andy Boyd
    Andy Boyd Andy Boyd

    How inspiring

    Thanks Piers

    I’ll sign up from home tonight

  • Croeso
    Croeso Croeso

    Grid Computing 2

    Inspired by Piers, I hooked my second home PC up to a Grid Network. My first PC is helping my old Oxford lab analyse some quantum optics results, and as it requires the analyser to also verify the results (the

  • Piers
    Piers Piers

    Hi Andy – great isn’t it? And really does seem to be a case of the more the merrier.