Web Safety Presentation for Parents

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Finally gotten round to slidesharing a presentation I did for some Unicorn Mums who were worried about what their children got up to online (and wanted some advice about how to go about it). It’s a general overview rather than anything too specific.

As Mr W says (commenting on this slightly depressing article in the Grauniad)

The real question, however, boils down to the amount of privacy you feel your own children are entitled to. In my own case, I am a friend on my own kid’s Bebos, and I’ve also installed imsafer… but neither of these was done without discussing it with the kids first. For me, that is the dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable surveillance…

Completely agree about the dividing line. For what it’s worth, here are the slides (with a few wangy fonts).

  • Mr W
    Mr W Mr W

    Thanks for the mention, and well done on a great presentation! I really like the link in to the Web2.0 tools page. I suspect this would be the one that makes most parents wonder what’s happening!

  • Piers Young
    Piers Young Piers Young

    My pleasure and thanks, Mr W