Only a poltroon despises pedantry |

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These heartwarming celebrations of words [smack] of the view that some words, almost in isolation from their meaning, are fun and interesting because they roll round the tongue or have lots of syllables…

It reminds me of teachers at school who, undoubtedly with the best motives, would criticise the use of words such as "nice" and "good" because they were boring. "Boring, are they? That's rich, considering how tedious this whole schooling experience is proving," I used to think as I glumly flicked through my mini-thesaurus. They're not boring words, any more than potatoes and bread are boring foods. If you start describing everything as "rambunctious" or "celestial", you end up with sentences like meals in expensive ethnic restaurants – all flavoursome sharing plates and no bloody chips. Slagging people off for saying "nice" and "good" is what leads to their resorting to "awesome".

Source: here