Does anyone else get the feeling if you blink, you miss all the conversations going on?
I don’t have a huge number of inbound links Technorati-wise, but (m’hearties) some days they shrinks, and some days they grows. The constant I’m left with – or at least what I can bank on seeing if I Technorati my blog – is a list of people that have a static link to mine, such as on their blogrolls at the edge of their sites.
But if that’s the constant, how do I track those conversations appearing on the “world live web” on topics in which I’m interested? And how is what I’m getting different from doing a “link:” search on google?
I suppose it is more specific to blogs, but that is about as far as it goes in getting me closer to the “World Live Web”.
I like Technorati, and I like the concept behind it – I just wonder whether the window for what is “live” should be customizable. For me, and I suspect for others down here at the tail end of the distribution, my conversations happen over weeks, not days, and sometimes months, not weeks.
Ho hum.
[UPDATE: See the comments on Lilia’s post for some practical suggestions on tracking dead conversations]
I’m so glad you posted this. I’m getting the feeling (slightly new to blogland) that there is an unhealthy (=no depth) fixation with now-ness, and that memories are short. I’ve noticed that some people turn off their comments after, what?, 30 days, which sort of disenfranchises those without the sprinting speed and those who (gasp) unplug for few days.
try bloglines citations:
As far as google goes, does it also show sites with lower pageranks when you search for link:?