Hashtags for Educational Action

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hashtags are part of the “conversation,” and serve to make the “conversation” searchable. But I’m tired of conversation and have written on that before. Time to move on…more doing, and less talking.

Why not start using these hashtags to address that? #whatwedid

#whatwedid could be used to describe something actually attempted to improve education. The emphasis on we addresses that attempt to be organizationally-based, and not just a classroom-localized event of a single teacher.

#whathappened could categorize the outcome of that attempt, the consequences of the action…and most importantly,what happened to student learning.

#howweknow could be used when describing how the organization knows #whathappened.

Three years from now will you still be engaged in the same conversations? Right now, think back three years, has your school changed significantly as the result of the conversation? Not you, the school… When will conversation turn to action? When will you share your evidence of that action? Use the hashtags to let everyone know…

link: The Strength of Weak Ties » Words Matter | Hashtag