Networks and the Military

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Martin has pointed, via Ray Ozzie, to “A MUST READ for all knowledge managers”. It’s called Power to the Edge and has been produced by the US’s CCRP (Command and Control Research Program). In fact, there seems to be a goldmine of van Riper style potentially interesting pieces to have a look at.

Anyway, Martin seems to be sold, which is a good enough reason for me to have a read. Will report back. Sir.

[And sorry for all the trackbacks Martin – don’t know what happened]

  • Monkeymagic
    Monkeymagic Monkeymagic

    Network Enabled Capability: Promise and Practise

    There’s a great, short article hereRUSI- Network Centric Operations Today: Between the Promise and the Practice that looks at some of the findings the US military (and others) are making trying to put Network Enabled Operations into practice. A coupe…