

My name is Piers Young. I'm a teacher in London. This is where I keep my scribbles, dog-ears and thoughts in progress.

3D Education

I am finding Charles Koch’s framework for education more and more useful. If nothing else it helps me place some of the drier research on things like dual-coding and spaced retrieval in the context of a richer, more human approach and what Jeremy Barnes calls “Albert Hall Moments”. I came across Koch’s model...

Old habits

Funny what habits are coming back as I start blogging again. Without thinking about it, I found myself for the first time in quite a few years adding “blog” to my search terms (this one was “knowledge organisers blog”) and being more enthused by the results and the depth of thinking there was there. The […]

Thinking again

I miss my old blogging habit. I miss the intentionality, the slower pace, the thoughtfulness and the openness. Perhaps above all I miss the various unpublished draft posts and what they represented. I’d like to start thinking again. Thanks to two blogging stalwarts Ton and Euan, I might have the momentum to do so and […]